

The regular monthly meetings at Glenluce are on the first Monday of the month at Glenluce Church Hall starting at 10:00 am and finishing at 2:00 pm (workdays) or 3:00 pm (workshops).

Aims of the Guild

The objectives of the Wigtownshire Guild are the preservation and improvement of craftsmanship in handweaving, spinning and dyeing for the benefit of the public. To this end, the group aims to encourage excellence of craftsmanship within the Guild; to foster an appreciation of the beauty of texture, colour and design; to provide opportunities for increasing knowledge through courses, demonstrations, exhibitions and the provision of a library; and to encourage exchange of ideas and opinions with other groups and within the group.


The Guild is affiliated to the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers.

The objectives of the Association are the preservation and improvement of the craftsmanship in hand weaving, spinning and dyeing for the benefit of the public and the promotion of public education in such craftsmanship.

Programme of Events 2024

4th March 2024 A.G.M. and de-stash day

1st April Workday – making a wrist distaff

6th May Workshop – weaving with Rachel

3rd June Workshop – drop spindling

1st July Workday

5th August Workshop – dyeing

2nd September Workday

7th October Workshop – tapestry weaving

4th November Workday

2nd December Show-and-tell and buffet lunch

Glenluce Church Hall, 10:00 for 10:30